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Stern RS, Parrish JA, Fitzpatrick TB, Bleich HL.  1985.  Actinic degeneration in association with long-term use of PUVA.. J Invest Dermatol. 84(2):135-8.
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SLACK WV, Bleich HL.  1999.  The CCC system in two teaching hospitals: a progress report.. Int J Med Inform. 54(3):183-96.
Slack WV, Kowaloff HB, Davis RB, Delbanco T, Locke SE, Bleich HL.  2011.  Test-retest reliability in a computer-based medical history.. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 18(1):73-6.
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Safran C, Porter D, SLACK WV, Bleich HL.  1987.  Diagnosis-related groups. A critical assessment of the provision for comorbidity.. Med Care. 25(10):1011-4.
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Safran C, Herrmann F, Rind D, Kowaloff HB, Bleich HL, SLACK WV.  1990.  Computer-based support for clinical decision making.. MD Comput. 7(5):319-22.
Safran C, Porter D, Lightfoot J, Rury CD, Underhill LH, Bleich HL, SLACK WV.  1989.  ClinQuery: a system for online searching of data in a teaching hospital.. Ann Intern Med. 111(9):751-6.
